
4 weeks


Tara said...

He's starting to look like you!!!! You can see it in his very alert look on the last picture. He's so beautiful! Im so jealous =)

Anonymous said...

in the middle shot he sort of looks like your mom. discuss.

Anonymous said...

Cohen is the most gorgeous baby ever. Now all you have to do is keep posting these and other pics in large sizes (1024 x 768) on your Flickr page... please! That way I can print them and send them to Marko's and my Mom.


t said...

ahh yes i will do that uncle milano. sorry that they are low res now, didn't realize. i will go and fix the ones that are there and will put all future ones at 1024 x 768.

also plan on printing a book with all of them in it for her in a couple of months when i have a ton of them. thanks for sending her some now though!

does she think he looks like marko??

Anonymous said...

Cohen looks so much like u Tara, He is just gorgeous... I want one just like him...