
out to lunch

all photos taken here.

& the path back to my desk


Anonymous said...

nice lunch hour excursion, you are "yucky", emmitt would say, great to see that you're taking advantage of opportunities to get outside your box and re-connect/relax without annoying people? i would have to say i was always curious to see what it was like in there on the other side of the nitobe fence, guess it is remeniscent of japanese garden, kinda zen-like - did you meditate? A.

Tara said...

i love to come to lunch with you... beautiful place to enjoy your time to yourself...

Mathias and Summer on a life adventure said...

You are soo lucky to have refuge like that to go to on your lunch. We have nothing but runways and Canada Line construction around us. With only 40min, not much time to get anywhere either. You also take such beautiful photos. I'd love to have a lesson one day.