
snipping inches, gaining miles

cohen had his first haircut today! i almost forgot to bring the camera (ok, i didn't even think to bring it), but luckily for me our building manager marilynne bumped into us as we were leaving and talked me into going back home to grab it. i was worried that there would be copious amounts of bellyaching, but there was none. mostly just lots of laughing and trying to grab the comb. so no more mullet for cohen, he has entered a new aesthetic decade which is fitting, as soon he will enter a brand new year.

afterwards we came home and had a pork roast right out of the slowcooker for dinner. the slowcooker is the working moms best friend! i also found out today that grandma has been teaching cohen patty cake and he now does it on demand, even the roll it part, but in his own unique way which looks more like scratching his neck then rolling. i was very impressed. this is a shot of him showing off his new skills.

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