the fact that it is now 9:30 makes me feel pretty cheated. i mean what the hell? i swear five minutes ago i was eating dinner, but it was more like three hours, two baths, one incredibly long hissy fit, teeth brushing, story reading, kisses and then more kisses, some feet stomping, and then laying beside the smaller one until she fell asleep, and then the back and forth with the other until finally, dear god finally, we are done. i shouldn't have said that, i know, and if you are a parent then you know it too. it will come back to get me every time, but for right now, in this minute, i am free.
today was ada's half birthday. i guess that is another way of saying six months, but the whole half thing makes an excellent excuse for cake, not that i need an excuse, i mean i am an adult which means i can have cake whenever i like. this one fact is sometimes the only thing that keeps me going, well that and knowing that there is a cold beer in the fridge. so happy half birthday to ada, yeah! i have this great video of her crawling, and i had every intention of getting it off the camera, uploading it and putting it here for you, so many lists. i'm with klay, let's just get rid of those damn things. the video will be here before you know it and just think now you get to have suspense as well, and it isn't even your half birthday! this means she beat cohen by almost three weeks in the crawling department. lucky me. it does make for some good times now though, i will put her down in cohen's room and then him and i will be down the hall eating lunch and we wait to see how long it takes her to get there. it really isn't as mean as it sounds.

six months of course means eating solid food. i started a few weeks ago, but have been fairly haphazard about the whole thing until this week. even now it is just once a day at dinner. all that spooning and shoving and shoving and wiping and airplane noises and googly faces. it seemed so exciting the first time. all the wondering, will he like this? will he like that? now it is, oh yeah i have to steam some veggie or cut up fruit on top of cooking, i wonder when i can just feed her what we are eating? i can tell you that it will be a lot sooner than it was with cohen. i am all about the easy in this world of difficult in which i live. so far she loves the food, not just the spurting of it everywhere, but sometimes actually eating it as well.
blogging has been on my mind, with lots of things worthy of writing bout crossing my path, but lately sewing has taken over my free time (hopefully i will be able to share some of that with you soon), as well as staring blankly at the wall in the evenings in the hopes of recharging my brain. speaking of which, i taped about 13 hours of television from last night, and today at the superstore (ahh there it is again) i bought general tao chicken flavoured ripple chips to go with my dark ale, because really how could i not? seriously, it is going to be, like, the best friday night ever. righteous.
nice coat!
That description of baby feeding is spot-on. Too funny...
Oh, and because I'm sleepy I only got so far with that... HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY to Ada. You have now given me a reason to eat cake in a week for Cole's half. See ya later, halloween candy that I buy even though we live in a condo and don't get trick-or-treaters... We're bringing on the cake!
Happy Half Birthday, Sweet Ada - & all of you! I still can't believe it's been half a year already. I've only seen her once! I hope you're whole weekend has been righteous - there's even an extra day of righteous thankfulness to come!
Wow crawling already! She is adorabler by the day and I do love the heck out of that foam mat. We have it as well, of course.
haven't started the solids yet b/c I don't have a suitable feeding chair. but plan to do the same approach as with boy 1 - big pieces of things & limited mush. it served us well until the past 3 months of all peanut butter sandwiches all the time.
hope you enjoyed your beer. you have more than earned it.
thanks T for your feedback on my blog it is so nice to know that you guys are out there... I read yours all the time...i just don't always comment....
happy fall!
xx Juno
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